Am 30. Dec, 2001 schwätzte Jim so: > C'mon guys! Who is gonna do a presentation for PLUG? The group :). Brian and I were discussing this and we'd like to do something about alternative distros. There are the various floppy and firewall distros out there. Brian says there's also a mandrake games edition. We also have things like familiar and maybe even agenda, yopy and taurus ( but I don't think those really have a distro in the form we generally consider a distro, though yopy wants to go there ). There are also embedded things like hard hat Linux, embedix and whatever Red Hat's embedded distro is. Not sure I'd call rtLinux a distro, though it might have a distro with it. If we do this, we need a few people to stand up and say they'll cover a particular distro. I'll cover familiar ( though sam can do a better job, so he might get 'recruited' :). Brian's volunteered to do the mandrake games distro as soon as he reads this sentence :). Maybe we can flush Deepak out of the woodwork to cover hard hat. I know we have people familiar with a variety of the floppy and security distros. Anyone want to volunteer to cover one or more? Any other type of alternative distros I've failed to mention? Anything except a vanilla desktop distro. Maybe the 'professional' distros from Red Hat and SuSE. ciao, der.hans -- # # I've got a photographic memory, # but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans