Check out "arpwatch." It will monitor your network and tell you when a new computer has joined. On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Technomage wrote: > yes, > I realize this. > thats why I'd like to be able to use routable affressses on the wireless > side. this way, if it traces back, it will go all the way to the > offending > machine and I will appear as only a link in the chanin (this may require > agreements with and a few others to limit liability issues). > > it might not be a bad idea if some security could be implimented to > detect > unusual activity and lock out the offending MAC address (thus preventing > repeat > problems be preventing that network interface from reconnecting with a > new > DHCP assigned address). That appears very simple on the surface and may > require > a lot of filling in on the details to really make it workable. > > Technomage