Hello, I just configured SAMBA on one of my RH 7.1 boxes. The problem is -- whenever I try to browse the network neighbourhood, I get ******************* linuxhome.com(my internal domain name) is not accessible the network name cannot be found *********************** But I am able to map the share, access the folders and files without any problem. RELEVENT LOGS My log.nmb has following in the log ************************** Samba name server SNOOPY is now a local master browser for workgroup LINUXHOME.COM on subnet *********** My charlie.log shows (charlie is the Win2k Advanced Server from which I am trying to browse the network neighbourhood) ************************** [2001/12/24 14:46:15, 0] smbd/password.c:authorise_login(831) rejected invalid user nobody ************************** How do I fix my nmbd? Sundar