It's probably the CUPS margins which are set wrong. You can tell this if the CUPS test page border is chopped anywhere. Look in the files in: /etc/cups/ppd There should be, for example, lp.ppd for your printer. You should find a section in there like: *DefaultImageableArea: Letter *ImageableArea Letter: "8.60 39.60 603.40 766.49" The numbers are in points (1/72"). The first two are the X,Y of the lower-left-most printable pixel (i.e., X from the left, Y up from the bottom); the second pair are X,Y size of the printable area. You may have to fiddle with them a bit, print CUPS test pages to see what happens. I sure wish this were (1) correctly set by the installation, but it is *very* printer dependent or (2) much easier to adjust with some kind of tool. \\/