These are NOT "free" as implied here. The cost has been added to the price of the computer when you buy it. The Quicken that gets given away is a light version too. On Sunday 25 November 2001 08:06 pm, you wrote: > > Lets also look at the MOST popular and 'successful' 'commericial' > > windows products. > > > > Windows 95/98/NT/etc : FREE : Comes with the computer you buy (in most > > cases) > > Quicken : FREE : My Stockbroker Firm Gives Free Copies > > Office/Works : FREE : Comes with the computer you buy (in most cases) > > Something that adds teeth to this is a special I saw advertised in the > paper at Fry's; they have a special on barebones systems containing XP > priced in the low 2-300's...