Hi; I have two computers that need to be moved out. They are as follows: 1. 450 MHZ Pentium 128 MB ram AX6BC-EZ R1.07 AOpen MB Award Modular BIOS v4.60 PGMA Sound Blaster 16 sound card ATI PC2TV video card Parallel port card for a ZIP drive 8.4 GB Western Digital HD 48x CD-ROM 1.44MB Floppy 2. 166 MHZ pentium MMX 64 MB ram AP5T R1.60 AOpen MB Award Modular BIOS v 4.51 PGM Sound Blaster 16 sound card ATI Mach64 video card 3COM 56k internal modem Parallel port card for a ZIP drive 24x CD-ROM 1.44 MB Floppy For some reason the two hard drives are not being recognized by the BIOS. Will trade for some service in getting SuSE 7.1 to play audio CD's. When KDE starts up it does play the startup sound. The second item is getting SuSE to recognize the wheel on the Logitech Optiocal mouse. The third item is getting SuSE to recognize a WINModem. I have a driver program that needs to be compiled into the kernel (which I have never done). TIA Clay Stapleton