moin, moin, I need an inventory system. I actually prefer something with a db ( prefer postgres, but can live with mysql :). This is for a web site, so it needs a web front end. I'd also like to be able to do stuff via command line, but can add that functionality myself. No cookies. I'll see about fixing one that currently uses cookies if I have to. Eventually might need a shopping cart. Actually, eventually need all kinds of weird things :). Definitely needs access controls at the item level. For the web stuff, all ssl all the time, but that shouldn't be difficult. Having a calendar mechanism would be cool. Using icap or whatever this week's calendar standard is is a plus. I'd prefer the majority of the code be in php, perl or c. Zope is definitely out for now, but python has a glimmer of a chance ;-). Ruby might be fun. It has to be Free Software, priority given to GPL. Anybody have suggestions for something they've used recently? What are the strengths and weaknesses? Any ofther features I should be looking for? Any I should be avoiding? ciao, der.hans -- # # Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- # I took the one less traveled by, # And that has made all the difference. -- Robert Frost # I, OTOH, prefer to just go stomping through the desert... - der.hans