I am bringing my mother an old computer of mine(not the Amiga tho) that dual-boots Windows NT(it was the only windows that would install) and SuSE 7.1. Currently it's set up with a network card so that my daughter can have broadband access to CartoonNetwork.com, and my mom lives in the armpit of Wyoming and I don't think she's ready just yet for broadband(even if it were available), so... I need modem recommendations for this old PC. One that works and is fairly easy to set up under SuSE 7.1 would be appreciated. Thanks! P.S. I say 'experiment' because I'm going to try to get her to use the linux side of things, which shouldn't be hard, given NT's strong flakiness on that computer :) -- ============ Lucas Vogel Key ID: 0A64769C3E2AC1E0E