The newest version of the Windows operating system is in stores (and all over your TV) now. The Top 15 Rejected Slogans for Microsoft Windows XP 15> Who's Your Daddy, Geekboy? 14> Ooh, Look!  It's *Shiny!* 13> Does a Little More, Sucks a Little Less 12> Now with Tailfins! 11> It's XP-alidocious! 10> All Profits Go to Charity... PSYCH! 9> Anti-Trust-Free Since 2001 8> "Screens of Death" in All the Colors of the Rainbow! 7> Look, Lemmings -- a Cliff! 6> Where Do You Want Your KY Today? 5> We're Microsoft -- Stay on Our Good Side 4> Goes Down Even Less Than Your Husband! 3> Invest in America!  Purchase a Completely Unnecessary Upgrade Now!  It'll Drive the Taliban NUTS! 2> Think Similar and's Number 1 Rejected Slogan for Microsoft Windows XP... 1> What Else Ya Gonna Do, Buy a Mac, You Artsy-Fartsy Little Weenie? [  The Top 5 List  ] [   Copyright 2001 by Chris White    ]