Just thought I'd mention that the AOL Instant Messenger is available for Linux: http://aim.com My coworkers have been using it for a long time to send quick messages to each other, but I hadn't done anything with it because I run Linux on my desktop at work and I didn't think it was an option for me. So, I was pleasantly surprised to find a Linux version available so now I too can waste even more time yakkin' with my coworkers (and non-coworkers). I've heard many people say that they couldn't switch to Linux (or even away from AOL) because they thought AIM was only available on Windows (or through AOL's service). So now AIM is one less excuse for not switching. :-) NEWSFLASH!! I just checked to see if the Yahoo Messenger is available for Linux and it is too! I think we're making some progress, boys & girls. Keep up the good fight. ~M