Hi > msn.com blocks non-Microsoft browsers: Don't know if this true but over here we are constantly told that MS is the only thing that exists. A good example was the Government gateway site which only allowed access with IE5 or IE4. It's changed now. The Minister responsible had a large pile of crap fall on him from all over the place. There are plenty of other good examples of this in the UK. Reason for sending some mail was that I just saw the Six o'clock BBC TV news. At 18.23 the entire country heard how only MS can provide software and how no one else can compete. Pictures of Steve Ballmer making an ass out of himself by wearing a cheap suit and an expensive bowler hat for the cameras whilst swinging a cheap brolly around. Really awful :(( The BBC's FUD campaign always confuses me. They use a lot of Slackware internally due to high costs and the need to save money. I think the Vogon destructor fleet arrives tomorrow. Thanks -- Richard eof