--=-kyZ8bGBLWuoMR/1JBCDf Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Isn't this kind of what happened with Tux Racer? It sounds good to me, now if I could learn to code, I'd even help! nathan On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 07:24, Thomas Mondoshawan Tate wrote: > Hey guys, I just had an epiphany on a possible way to develop software, and > I'd like to see what you all think about it. > > After looking around at various gaming sites and companies, I noticed a > slight trend of releasing engine source code after the game had become less > than profitable for the company that produced it. > > This sparked an idea: why not release the raw game engine code as > open-source immediately after developing it in-house, on something like > BitKeeper or SourceForge under a slightly different license other than the > GPL (ex: you can hack on it for non-profit stuff, but as soon as you want a > commercial application for it, gotta buy a license)? This would allow the > game core to be cross-platform -- if you want it to run on your new Whizbang > ZXY 1024, just port the sourcecode. > > When we get to market with the actual product, all we'd really be selling > would be the datafiles that the game core needs to play with, while > supplying prebuilt binaries for the major platforms out there on the > distribution medium. This also adds a bit of replayability to the game, > since now that it's open-sourced, it's possible to modify the game. > > Well, whaddya think? Doable or doomed to failure? > > -- > Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate > phoenix@psy.ed.asu.edu > http://tank.dyndns.org --=-kyZ8bGBLWuoMR/1JBCDf Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQR1AgU0lHTkFUVVJFLS0tLS0KVmVyc2lvbjogR251UEcgdjEuMC42IChHTlUv TGludXgpCkNvbW1lbnQ6IEZvciBpbmZvIHNlZSBodHRwOi8vd3d3LmdudXBnLm9yZwoKaUQ4REJR RTcxWDI0WXA1bVVzUEdqandSQW9QSEFKOWF6SHgzUlJOckoybUl6OGxHZ1ZKZWY3YWN4UUNlTm9N MwozRFZURGMzbzdQaW1yeXFmYk9tSGk4UT0KPTZSdUMKLS0tLS1FTkQgUEdQIFNJR05BVFVSRS0t LS0tCg== --=-kyZ8bGBLWuoMR/1JBCDf--