Nigel Sollars wrote: > > LOL Which modem are u using? We have the Cisco 678 rooter from Qwest and > its the biggest piece of sh*t...Theyve had the red code virsus hit > we had to close off port 80...then a second version of red code hit, now > they are saying there is another virus out there....Im like if you cant > protect your product why buy a sh*t load of them and sell them to the > public.... > > sorry about my little rant there...Im just a little pissed at the quality > of the product, the support (lack of) they provide. > ------ Gee, that problem and solution has been widely known for quite some time. 1. Qwest has been pleading their customers, calling their customers and emailing their customers to update to Cisco 2.4.3 OS on the 675/678 routers. 2. even if you don't download and install this update (or get the CD from them), you can effectively stop the problems - in enable mode on cbos - set web disable and set web port xxxx where xxxx > 1024 3. There are a lot of reasons to trash Qwest but this really isn't one of them - they got little early assistance from Cisco, the product is reasonably priced for what it does and if you call 1-888-777-9569 (the main phone number for you will immediately get a recording directing you to these solutions. If you don't use as your ISP then blame your ISP. Craig