I have to ask because @Home never blocked me for some reason. Tonight, I have a theory. Do any of those people who can't use port 80 have the old LanCity modems, or were you all switched to the newer models? I lost service for a few hours today, and when the tech came out he tried swapping out my LanCity for a new model. Only thing is, they can't switch me out because when they set up my account, they entered some node or something incorrectly. The old LanCity doesn't care, but the new models do and won't sync up. They can't change my info without corrupting the account under their current system, so we put the LC back on and after a few minutes, it sync'd up again. I never realized just how programmable those new ones are. I always though if your service was "capped" at so many K/sec, it was because @Home did it at the router. Seems it's the modems doing the capping and LC's are too old to do it. (Yes!) This does leave me wondering... Why would a manufacturer purposely sell something crippled to consumers? If I went out to buy a cable modem (assume using the docsis standard), why would I want to buy something that's been crippled? I would think there'd be a great incentive for a company to sell a cable modem that can't be capped. Customers would very likely prefer that in principle at the least. (Until then, they can have my LanCity when they pry it from my cold hands... maybe I should go turn off the AC.)