"David P. Schwartz" wrote: > > When I got DSL service from USWest, uswest.net came along as baggage. No choice. > > Qwest entered into an agreement where their Qwest.net customers are being assigned to MSN. No choice. It's not my choice to switch > anything. How can you say they aren't forcing anything? Anybody who doesn't switch voluntarily will get switched to MSN involuntarily. > > I don't want MSN, and I don't want to wait the 2-3 weeks I've been told by other ISPs that it will take to get hooked up with them -- > that's AFTER my Qwest DSL has been disconnected! (Or have I been mis-informed?) > > It'll cost $14.95/mo to "upgrade" to OfficeWorks, which offers static IPs, the opportunity to stay with Qwest.net, and keep using my 675 > modem. Does anybody know of any better deals? > ---- I'm certain that this will make some of you gleeful. www.microsoft.com is completely down at this moment 10:00 AM MST Craig