\_ SMTP quoth robert jorgenson on 9/19/2001 00:11 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ I saw a thing on TV about this today...the reason for the net slow-down is because it is transfering so much data, what happenes is it \_ searches for 16 different holes in IE 5.0-5.5(go to microsoft and get patches!!!(if you use windows)) and thier IIS server. It will go \_ through all your e-mail you have not your adress book and send out an e-mail that will start readme.exe just buy reading the e-mail, not \_ even opening an attachement. then it takes over your internet connection searching for people without the patches. Although this is just \_ what i heard so some of it might not be correct but i am pretty sure it is. \_ -The Newbie 16...hahahaha. It was pounding some servers 204x an infected IP. I know, the server mailed me every 404 page. Bleh. David