Am 14. Sep, 2001 schwätzte Eric so: > In the end, all that remains is belief and judgment. And what I believe is > that I am willing to accept restrictions on crypto if it helps fight > terrorism, and what I believe is that I am free and I don't want a And what I believe is that if I don't have the right to use crypto or the right to use anonymous services, then terrorism has already won. I should be able to communicate privately to my family. I have a guaranteed right to communicate privately with a lawyer or doctor. Don't know if that's constitution, case law, etc. What I do and say within the confines of my home are not public record. They shouldn't be without a search warrant *and* cause. Warrantless wiretapping is a very bad thing. > boyfriend. If the NSA says fettered crypto helps national security, I tend So does sticking everyone within the borders of the .us in chains or dropping prozac into the water supply. > to believe them, or I am willing to give it a try. If someone is able to > show me empirical evidence that it doesn't help, I am willing listen. gpg. Produced in .de. The way I understand it it was written mostly by one guy and mostly because he had some free time one weekend. He was able to do so because: 1) he's obviously a better and faster programmer than I :) 2) there was a standard protocol for him to implement Security nuts don't count a protocol ( or implementation ) as secure until it's gone through peer review. Therefore the protocol needs to be available to some circle. Criminals ( not just terrorists ) will get that. Also some criminal orgs might even have more money to toss at this than our gov't, so they might even be ahead of the curve. > Statements like Franklin's, quoted above, are witty but vacuous. Here is > another one. "If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy." If catapaults are outlawed, then only outlaws will have catapaults :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll, # keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen