On Sep 12, 4:14pm, Simper, Brian D wrote: > I have been looking through manuals and haven't found the answer to this > yet. How do you change your time zone in Linux? I have a machine that is > using UTC and I would like to change it to use regular time zone > designations. I am sure that it is just an entry in one of the /etc files > but I haven't found which one yet. Does anyone know offhand? Copy one of the files from the /usr/share/zoneinfo hierarchy to /etc/localtime. E.g, cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/MST /etc/localtime I seem to remember a time when /etc/localtime was merely a symlink to one of the zoneinfo files, but apparently the standard practice now is to make a copy. I asked one of my colleagues about this recently and found out that the reason for doing it this way is so that you don't need /usr/share mounted in order to get the time zone right when the system is starting up. There is also the ZONE setting in /etc/sysconfig/clock, but I haven't been able to find any startup scripts which use this setting. Kevin