--=-v1pae9TB5s418u6KQSHu Content-Type: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable This sounds like a good time to ask. I just built a dual PIII 650 scsi system. My motherboard is ide, but has the option to use a scsi device to boot. I have an ide cdrom on hdc and an ide zip on hdd. I have an advansys card in the machine and two IBM 9 gb scsi drives. When it boots it sees everything just fine, but when lilo kicks in, it hangs on L then repeats 80 80 80 or L BB BB BB And sometimes it will go all the way to LILO and when I select the kernel to load it will go LILO loading slack and that's it.. no ... after the slack or anything. If I use a floppy it's fine. I figured being BB or 80 it might be a bad drive or something, so I switched the drives, and re installed the system.. Same thing. It's completely random. Sometimes I get LILO other times it doesn't make it and dies somewhere.. With IDE you can do bios=3D0x81 or something, but with scsi, and being a scsi card not on the mobo, I'm lost. Are there any special lines I can tack into lilo to do something? I think my lilo.conf is something like this boot =3D /dev/sda vga =3D normal image =3D /vmlinuz root =3D /dev/sda1 label =3D slack read-only That's all I need for ide.. Is there something different with scsi? nathan --=-v1pae9TB5s418u6KQSHu Content-Type: application/pgp-signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQA7n6JsjpHZ/aPnU7cRAqbpAKDUkDQ4NJMeNd2Rj4WZyXTasJmG7QCfYKHt dKJtjn/qUFulf+bfATUgiY0= =mXIb -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --=-v1pae9TB5s418u6KQSHu--