Dear All > Now I don't know about you all but this starting to look like > eastern europe in 40-90's, with the exception that the oppressor > is not the Russian government but the Movie and Music industry. > > Am I really living in US???? I've spent the last ten years trying to understand why it is that people in L.A. wish to drop so much awful crap on me. I originally went through a five year long photographic technology course to get to be a photographer. That includes what to do with film techniques. After that I found that people in the "film" and "music" business who were mostly brainless and who did not understand any basic physics or chemistry just wanted to hurt me. If you think the good 'ole U.S of A is bad just now you should have a look at England. Over here we are only allowed to look at a Government web site if it accepts an IE5 browser. Other than that you can forget it. If I write to my Member of Parliament to complain then I find that someone from another country tells me what to do. I am also seen to be something of a social pariah due to the fact that I do not use Microsoft products. Perhaps in the future the constitution will be read out and someone will begin to understand it ? Thanks but no thanks. and ..... thanks for all the fish :) -- Richard