wrote: > > Partition Magic will work of course, but it might be easier to create a Win98 startup disk (Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs | Startup Disk) and use fdisk to remove the partition and let Red Hat format repartition the drive. I think you can run fdisk from the command line as well. > Watch out for MickeySoft's version of fdisk. It can't handle a lot of things, will lie to you, not do what you've told it to and do what you told it not to. If you can get you hands on a BBC (bootable business card) or something similar, you could use the Linux version with far improved results... The Redhat install program should have a problem with your second drive (I know Mandrake's wouldn't). Even if it has been previously been formatted FAT32, NTFS, HFS or whatever. You may have to install in expert mode, however, to have the option of removing the old FAT partition on that drive and using it for the install. PLEASE MAKE SURE that you don't have any files on it already that are used for your WinBlows(tm) system. If DiskDruid can't/won't work for you, you could use Linux's fdisk as follows: # fdisk /dev/hdb The number of cylinders for this disk is set to XXXX. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) Command (m for help): o Command (m for help): w Reboot and you should now have an empty partition table on hdb and the world will be at peace again... If you can only get access to WinBlows(tm) fdisk, you can try to use it to remove the old, FAT partition. It is not that hard to use, just confusing - like hitting all of the time to continue, and telling it that you want to remove partition number 1 even when that is all there is on the disk. PLEASE MAKE SURE that you don't have any files on it .... I find Partition Magic works the handiest for me using the two floppy technique. There is a script on the Partition Magic CD to create the two floppies using a Linux system. I haven't looked but there may be one for doing it under WinBlows(tm) also. -- Kevin O'Connor People in cars cause accidents... Accidents in cars cause people. Note : WinBlows(tm) is a registered trademark of the MickeySoft Corporation and is not affiliated with Phoenix Linux Users Group or any of its' members...