Am 19. Aug, 2001 schwäzte George Toft so: > Admin Wanted: > Certified Sun System Admin, MCSE, CCNE, CNE. Requires 5 years > experience in Windows 2000, Solaris 8, HPUX 11.0, Novell 5, Cisco > Local Director, TCP/IP, PPOE, DNS, SMB. Will be responsible for 50 > server production farm. 40 hours/week plus carry pager 24/7. Pay > $35-40K/year DOE. That's pretty damned low. I'm pretty certain state jobs pay better than that. If doing production support that requires carrying a pager, get them to pay extra for it. Personally, I suggest at least $500/month that it needs to be carried. Make that completely separate from base pay. Then they can see exactly what it's costing them to have someone carry a pager. Encourages companies to not just demand everyone have one. I ignore ads shooting this low in pay. I should make more than sky cabs. Starting salaries for engineers are greater than $50k. sys_adm and coding should be engineering disciplines. Some of the jobs might just be tech jobs, e.g. tape monkey, but techs shouldn't need pagers off-hours. ciao, der.hans -- # # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans