Flow chart for Dissertation preparation. (Dissertation is in Cultural Anthropology) --------------------------------------------------- 10 SGML + emacs + normalize | V 20 XML + DTD + nsgmls verification | V 30 (XSLT + (SAXON|Xalan))|(DSSSL + JADE) | V 40 (XSL:FO + WordPerfect|Word|?)|(LaTeX + latex) | | V | 50 (LaTeX|TeX)? | | | V V 60 (dvi)? <------------------------ | V 70 PostScript | V 80 Fomatted hard copy ---------------------------------------------------- As you know I am working on my Dissertation. I am currently in step '20' and ready to start working on a DTD. This should be pretty straight forward. I am anticipating few problems. Likewise steps 60 to 80 should pose few problems. However commercial documents are scarce for steps 30 and 40 so I am soliciting advice. 30: SAXON vs Xalan vs JADE 31: Has anyone worked with these freeware products? How do they compare? 32: I have done some research on XSLT and am pretty sure I can get the hang of it. The _structure_ of DSSSL looks pretty similar to XSLT (historically the other way around, of course). How much harder is it to use DSSSL than XSLT? 33: How much will working with DSSSL help learn LISP/Scheme style programming? 34: What will look better on a resume, DSSSL or XSLT? 40: XSL:FO vs LaTeX (Yes, I know they aren't interchangeable.) 41: There are no math formulas in the dissertation also no color and no graphics. There is lots of manipulation of block formatting, fonts, line spacing changes and footnoting. 41: FO looks like it is more intuitive and more expressive. Is this true? 42: Is LaTeX likely to require a lot of tinkering to get *exactly* the result I want? Will I wind up coding my own modules and working in TeX? 43: The text is on young people in Jordan. I will be using the standard Latin-1 characters plus the Arabic Unicode code page plus a couple of other Latin code pages plus a Greek and a Cyrillic code page to transliterate the Arabic. It looks like FO has much better support for internationalization than LaTeX. It looks like LaTeX is limited largely to European languages. 44: I suspect that WordPerfect and Word can read FO documents, but I'm not 100% sure. I can't find an FO to TeX or dvi or PostScript converter on SourceForge. bummer. ---------------------------------------------------- Trent Shipley Work: (602) 522-7502 mailto:tshipley@symbio-tech.com http://www.symbio-tech.com