OK, well the latest round of Red Code is now giving me more headaches at home than I care to deal with. My poor DSL router (Cisco 675 External DSL router) is going down every few hours and requires a power cycling to bring it back up. It is currently running CBOS 2.0.1 and I want to upgrade it to 2.4.1 (or 2.4.2), but since my experience with the duplicate of the modem (which I upgraded from NSOS 1.4 to CBOS 2.4.2) was, shall we say, less than successful (I can't get the config right to actually use it), I was wondering if anyone knew of what the exact configuration of the modem should be to get it to work. I saw this site http://www.users.uswest.net/~rlutton/ADSL/indexJS.html and used the config he shows on the site, but the modem that I upgraded, while being able to connect to Qwest, is not working as an actual router. The wan light finalizes solid green and the ethernet shows green with a blinking amber activity light (as stuff happens on the net), but nothing actually can get out on the net through it. I've had experience with Qwest's so called tech-support and would rather see if someone else here had already gone through this themselves. The DSL router is set up in PPP mode using DHCP and NAT for the machines in my house (10.0.0.x addresses inside). Any help/suggestions appreciated.