\_ SMTP quoth John (EBo) David on 7/31/2001 21:43 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Matt Alexander wrote: \_ > \_ > Might I suggest "kill -HUP " instead? I made the dire mistake once of leaving out the dash when I was trying to HUP a daemon... ie. kill 1 12345 \_ > Yeah, my boss wasn't too happy about that... \_ \_ \_ ouch! Remind me of the time I was cleaning up one of the professors \_ research machines and did a "rm * .o" instead of a "rm *.o"... The \_ machine had not been backed up in over a year. I remember sitting there \_ thinking "this command should not take that l- SH!T" You missed the pounding of the keyboard for ^C that you can't seem to find fast enough. I *swear* have never ever ever done that in /etc. :-) David