George Toft wrote: > > That was a bit of editing that somehow got my name attached. I > use VMWare with 128MB with no problems. oops... the following statement was mine. Writing a response to it is on my ToDo list, so this has just prompted me to deal with it... It is not how much memory I have at the moment (128MB, and planning to upgrade today actually ;-) It is an issue of how much physical/virtual memory each process can cope with. The newer kernals can deal with processes that can use upto 64GB ram and many terabites of swap space (a total of 64bis of address space). The issue for me is that I am writing and testing software that plays with LARGE datasets. One in particular is a 3 meter RGB image of almost the entirity of Maracopa county. That one image is 43,000 x 41,000 pixels or roughly a 3GB image. It turns out that the old kernal could only deal with 1GB Ram physical and 3GB virtual address space... So, to sidstep the issue I just used the 64GB Kernal patches... Now the problem is that VMWare cannot compile it's drivers (which is done automatically when running because it does not support 64GB-kernals... Here are some excerpts from online documents: [exerpts from] As of 10/31/99 Linux (kernel >2.3.24) supports up to 64GB of physical memory and up to several terabytes (that's no typo) of swap space. This, of course, means that the Linux and >1GB of RAM HOWTO is now obsolete. Technical background Since the x86 is a 32 bit machine, we are confined to 4 GB of address space. Because of specific x86 MMU weaknesses (I've heard rumours that SPARC/32 doesn't have this problem) we have to split up this space between virtual and physical space. This means that when we choose a larger physical space (to support more RAM) the maximum size of an individual program gets smaller. Linux currenly uses a 3:1 virtual:physical split, meaning that the kernel can use a maximum of 1 GB (minus 64 MB administrational overhead) RAM and the maximum program size is 3 GB (some object-oriented databases need this). You can change this to something else (eg. a 2:2 split if you have 2 GB of RAM), but enlarging the physical space means restricting the maximum size of your programs. The main reason that Linux uses a 3:1 split is that it gives us 3 GB of virtual address space per process and most processes run faster when they have a lot of virtual space to fool around in (no need to constantly reshuffle data around to fit in other stuff). Another reason is that we've always done this and there may be some old programs around that break when we change it. Besides, large machines are (should be) administrated by clueful sysadmins who can hack the kernel to fix things... > "David P. Schwartz" wrote: > > > > "John (EBo) David" wrote: > > > > > George Toft wrote: > > > > > > I've had and have run VMWare for about a year and a half and am not > > > satisfied with it... I upgraded my Linux OS and now VMWare will not > > > even load because I'm running dual processor and it cannot cope with the > > > 64GB memory configuration...