I have installed Mandrake v8 MandrakeFREQ v2 (I know it's Beta) and everything is working well except the network will simply stop working unpredictably. As soon as I restart the network using '/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart', it works fine for a while, then stops again, and so on. I have checked mail to root and found the following message (repeatedly): >From nobody Wed Jul 4 07:14:15 2001 Delivered-To: root@localhost.home.cxm To: root@localhost.home.cxm Subject: ALERT servers/telnet: localhost (Wed Jul 4 07:14:15) X-Mailer: /usr/lib/mon/alert.d/mail.alert Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 07:14:15 -0700 (MST) From: root@redrock.home.cxm (root) Summary output : localhost Group : servers Service : telnet Time noticed : Wed Jul 4 07:14:15 2001 Secs until next alert : Members : localhost Detailed text (if any) follows: ------------------------------- localhost: problem connecting to "localhost", port 23: Connection refused I have never seen anything like this before, so I am at a loss. I checked the network with ifconfig: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:CC:E7:0F:00 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:618595 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:635860 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:281656270 (268.6 Mb) TX bytes:112818312 (107.5 Mb) Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:210257 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:210257 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:35828800 (34.1 Mb) TX bytes:35828800 (34.1 Mb) netstat reports: netstat -aes Ip: 796842 total packets received 0 forwarded 7 incoming packets discarded 1549584 incoming packets delivered 834643 requests sent out 1039 outgoing packets dropped Icmp: 18057 ICMP messages received 5446 input ICMP message failed. ICMP input histogram: destination unreachable: 12875 echo requests: 2595 echo replies: 2587 15474 ICMP messages sent 0 ICMP messages failed ICMP output histogram: destination unreachable: 12879 echo replies: 2595 Tcp: 21143 active connections openings 0 passive connection openings 5533 failed connection attempts 0 connection resets received 1 connections established 630703 segments received 682215 segments send out 17194 segments retransmited 251 bad segments received. 2061 resets sent Udp: 146862 packets received 1220 packets to unknown port received. 0 packet receive errors 134367 packets sent TcpExt: 28 packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun ArpFilter: 0 11056 TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timer 28 packets rejects in established connections because of timestamp 40296 delayed acks sent 2 delayed acks further delayed because of locked socket Quick ack mode was activated 6355 times 442593 packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue. 12425 packets directly received from backlog 127873041 packets directly received from prequeue 66454 packets header predicted 248292 packets header predicted and directly queued to user TCPPureAcks: 66719 TCPHPAcks: 37479 TCPRenoRecovery: 7 TCPSackRecovery: 571 TCPSACKReneging: 0 TCPFACKReorder: 0 TCPSACKReorder: 0 TCPRenoReorder: 1 TCPTSReorder: 0 TCPFullUndo: 0 TCPPartialUndo: 0 TCPDSACKUndo: 0 TCPLossUndo: 2349 TCPLoss: 236 TCPLostRetransmit: 11 TCPRenoFailures: 3 TCPSackFailures: 769 TCPLossFailures: 78 TCPFastRetrans: 740 TCPForwardRetrans: 20 TCPSlowStartRetrans: 613 TCPTimeouts: 12954 TCPRenoRecoveryFail: 5 TCPSackRecoveryFail: 106 TCPSchedulerFailed: 13 TCPRcvCollapsed: 617 TCPDSACKOldSent: 15520 TCPDSACKOfoSent: 157 TCPDSACKRecv: 1 TCPDSACKOfoRecv: 0 TCPAbortOnSyn: 0 TCPAbortOnData: 70 TCPAbortOnClose: 216 TCPAbortOnMemory: 0 TCPAbortOnTimeout: 195 TCPAbortOnLinger: 0 TCPAbortFailed: 0 TCPMemoryPressures: 0 ------------ ---Sorry for the long post---- Any ideas on what I should look at next? I appreciate any comments. Donn dlshumway@earthlink.net