I just received a 2100 in the mail from Qwest for DSL. The 675 that I have been using for the past two years is still chugging along great. Needs a power cycle every so often to get it working, but well, takes all of 6 seconds for that. The 2100 is for a second DSL line (don't ask me, I just maintain the network here at home), so my poor NT box gets to be the guinea pig to test it out (gotta find that other 675 around here). > Not to change the subject or anything ;-) > > I really have an intense dislike for the Intel 2100 DSL Modem - it is > marginal hardware at best and given the fact that I only seem to encounter > these with Qwest cheapest PPP accounts - I cower. > > This said, I have seen a LOT of Cisco 678 (the model that Qwest is shipping > instead of the 675 these days) fail after a week or two (or a month or two) > so in general, the DSL hardware seems to leave quite a bit to be desired.