\_ SMTP quoth Craig White on 7/5/2001 16:03 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ "David A. Sinck" wrote: \_ > \_ ------ \_ I'm trying to trust you...I'm just not getting it done... Use the big hammer, then try again. :-) \_ pasting your previous into new .Xdefaults gives me and then running xrdb \_ -merge ~/.Xdefaults returns: \_ \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 15, ignoring line \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 19, ignoring line \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 23, ignoring line \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 50, ignoring line \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 97, ignoring line \_ xrdb: colon missing on line 120, ignoring line \_ \_ gives me the warm fuzzies... \_ \_ alas, it undoubtedly was your mailer package inserting wraps an unseemly \_ places - so I fixed the source up. Doh. Forgot to check that...it was an x-paste rather than a insert, my bad. \_ did the xrdb -merge again - no errors this time / \_ \_ quit netscape / terminal / logout Xwindows \_ \_ start x \_ \_ start netscape - no go You cycled too far. When you xrdb -merge or xrdb -load, the changes are only good for that particular session on *new* clients. So startx netscape ==> current NS hates you startx netscape xrdb ==> current NS hates you startx xrdb exit startx [clean slate again] netscape ==> current NS hates you BUT startx xrdb netscape ==> my NS loves me xrdb FWIW, my .xsession file looks like: xhost + xhost - xrdb -load .Xdefaults xmodmap /home/sinck/.xmodmaprc sawfish & xset +dpms & xscreensaver -lock-mode -no-splash & xclock -rv -geometry 79x79+121+83 & xset -c & xset b 100 200 10 & netscape -iconic -no-about-splash & emacs -bg black -fn 6x13 -geometry 80x65+1090+335 & xterm -T elevator -n elevator -sb -sk -sl 1500 -geometry 80x65+2-2 -bg black -fg white & xterm -T root:elevator -n root:elevator -sb -sk -sl 500 -geometry 80x8+285+2 -fg black -bg white Notice how I force .Xdefaults and .xmodmap before I start letting the other applications have a merry race in the background? If I backgrounded xrdb, maybe NS is past the scan xrdb stage by the time xrdb starts loading it.... Note also the last command is the lynchpin of my whole session. Why not a window manager? Well after you've configured several of them and don't quite get the syntax right, you get gunshy about losing all your windows just because the wm bailed. And it's really quite instructive to run w/o a wm for a bit. \_ but I am grateful for the pointer to xrdb hint - I can see that that is \_ an interesting tool \_ \_ xrdb -query tells you all the settings - I haven't a clue where these \_ are stored - it doesn't appear that they are stored in ~/ or in /etc/X11 \_ (judging by file dates & times anyway). Oh no, it's stored in the magic goat: RAM on the xserver machine. \_ As for your going from P200 to Athlon 1.2+ and becoming delirious - how \_ would we tell the difference? P ONE TWENTY, thank you very much. I used to dream about P200s. \_ Thanks for the effort - maybe it's my Kensington Mouse in a Box Optical \_ Pro mouse. Nah. Within 5 minutes of getting the hint on ZAxisMapping 4 5, I had my mousewheel on a logitech (appropriately chorded of course) panning my desktop and my windows (NS, emacs, xterm). Later I added support to make it control volume, and in my most amusing win, the resolution. Yes. No more of that inconvenient ctrl-alt-keypadplus ctrl-alt-keypadminus vulcan death grip. Nope, that's tied to the simpler ctrl-meta-shift-mod5-button4-click1 ctrl-meta-shift-mod5-button5-click1. Dial a resolution. It rocks. I've also taught emacs to respond to M-Mouse4 + M-Mouse5 (or whatever) to roll through the undo history. No more undo undo undo UPPERCASE swear-like-a-sailer undo undo undo [now back at start of undo chain] undo undo undo [now back where I borked it with uppercase instead of undo] undo undo UPPERCASE.... Just dial the pretty knob until the code is whole again. Brain surgery for idiots. It's great. Bindings for emacs and the code for the xresolution setting utilty (did I mention it was available from the command line?) available upon request. David