\_ SMTP quoth Kurt Granroth on 7/2/2001 10:43 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ On Monday 02 July 2001 10:47 am, Jason wrote: \_ > My box locked up recently due to what I believe to be three things: \_ > \_ > 1. xlock keeping CPU usage high \_ > 2. dust on the fansink. a LOT of dust. \_ > 3. the homeowner being somewhat cheap, always sets the AC up to 76 (I \_ > like 74). I think he overtwisted it cause it was on 80 that day. \_ \_ FWIW, I doubt that #3 has anything to do with it. In my experience, CPUs \_ don't lock until they get near or above 60C (about 140F). In any event, the \_ difference between 76 and 80 is nothing to a CPU. \_ \_ Also FWIW, being cheap myself, I keep the temperature of my house at 78-80 \_ depending on the time of day. One of my linux servers has now been up \_ solidly for nearly 3 months with no flucuations in temperature that I can't \_ explain. I've been gone for a weekend with the box idling at the thermostat at 85 and the box is still healthy. David