\_ SMTP quoth Michael J. Schweppe on 7/2/2001 04:38 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ Hi All: \_ \_ Remember me, the one who asked about the 3d card recommendation? Well, \_ I did get the NVidia card with the evil closed-source drivers , and \_ believe it or not I'm having big time problems. \_ \_ This is what I need real help with from you folks: The NVidia kernel \_ module is not getting properly initialized and in turn my X-Windows \_ server is getting thoroughly crashed, to the point that I cannot escape \_ the console into X even with Red Hat's Xconfigurator. This is all new \_ water to me so I do what I can in console, but in order to 'try again' I \_ reinstall everything--which is somewhat time consuming. \_ \_ My questions are 1) does anyone have experience working with NVidia \_ drivers #nvidia on irc.openprojects.net I believe they even have reps from nvidia in there.... \_ and more importantly 2) how do I recover to get back into X when \_ the server has crashed? It depends. I'm fairly certain that the nvidia drivers are not compatible with the XConfigurator, ut I wouldn't swear to it. Perhaps: get the latest drivers print the HOWTO clarify if needed on #nvidia install the kernel mods by hand clarify if needed on #nvidia install the X-driver mods by hand clarify if needed on #nvidia launch? YMMV, and there may only be a smoking hole where you were sitting when you are done. :-) I'm a bit concerned about the 'reinstall everything' comment. Are you trying to installed nvidia drivers on initial install of the box? I bet you really don't want to try that. David