Lucas Vogel wrote: > > I recently upgraded my system (SuSE 7.1) using YaST (Update Entire System) . > My system can't seem to find modules.dep in the /lib/modules/2.4.0-4GB > directory, which seems to be messing up my network and other configurations. > Does anyone know how I can re-create this file so that I can get my system > running again????? > --- just a guess, cuz I had the same thing happen to me when I updated RH 7.1 to the 2.4.3-12 kernel. I actually figured out the problem very quickly - a sure sign that I am starting to learn this thing. Check your /etc/lilo.conf - it probably still points to the image = /boot/vmlinuz-oldwhatever instead of /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.0-4GB or whatever it's supposed to point to - ls -l /boot and you will see which one it's supposed to boot to. After you edit /etc/lilo.conf then execute lilo to finish it. Craig