David O'Malley wrote: > Sure enough, upon reboot and after POST I got a L on the screen, and it > froze there. Nothing a Windows system disk couldn't fix. When I go back > into Linux, and try to configure lilo.conf, I still get the message above > when I run lilo, and it does the same thing to my boot record. I've tried > putting in lba32, fix-table, and taking out linear, in all different > combinations. Any suggestions (besides booting to floppy every time, or > getting rid of Winblowz)? I've had this problem with LILO on several Dell machines. Oddly enough, I've had no problems with GRUB, so you may want to try that instead. -- Tom Bradford --- The dbXML Project --- http://www.dbxml.org/ We store your XML data a hell of a lot better than /dev/null