---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Newsletter #1 from O'Reilly UG Program Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 15:13:48 -0700 (PDT) From: "Denise Olliffe" To: farli@qwest.net O'Reilly User Group Program NEWSLETTER Volume 1, #1 www.oreilly.com Until now, I sent random announcements as news or books were released. After consideration, I've decided to consolidate the information I send, by weekly newsletter, so that you are aware of all things O'Reilly & beyond, and the technologies we cover. Please let me know your thoughts about the information I provide--I hope you find it easy to read, informative, and useful. I'm open to suggestions, and look forward to hearing your thoughts. If you would rather not receive this newsletter, please let me know. Keep in mind that I will not be sending other announcements (unless there's a pressing news item) which means that this is a great channel for keeping updated on O'Reilly news. I have a few questions at the bottom...please take the time to answer them--which will help me create a newsletter you'll enjoy reading. If you aren't aware of all the benefits of the O'Reilly UG Program, I'll send you the details. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded so that you're able to take full advantage of the program. --Denise **************************** NEWS from O'Reilly & beyond **************************** I would be grateful if you would pass on the info that your members will find interesting... Wednesday, Microsoft announced that it will be releasing shared source implementations of the .NET Common Language Infrastructure (CLI), C# compiler, and ECMAscript compiler for both Windows and FreeBSD. The license will be considerably more liberal than the shared source license previously announced for Windows. Availability is expected in the fourth quarter. Tim OReillys exclusive interview with Dave Stutz, the group program manager for the project, has just been published on the O'Reilly Network: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/06/27/dotnet.html CALL FOR PAPERS: PRESENTERS WANTED FOR THE FIRST O'REILLY BIOINFORMATICS CONFERENCE January 28-31, 2002, La Paloma Resort in Tucson, ArizonaL: http://conferences.oreilly.com/biocon/cfp.html I'm searching for Bioinformatics UGs...if you know of one, please tell them about O'Reilly's UG Program: http://ug.oreilly.com/ For those who have gone beyond basic Linux security principles, here's the first of a three-part series which delves deeper. On O'Reilly Network's Linux DevCenter, Carl Constantine covers tools and techniques that system administrators can use to protect their networks, including discussion of nmap, Ethereal, and how to set up honey pots: Tools of the Trade: Part 1 by Carl Constantine * June 22, 2001 http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2001/06/22/linux_security.html Gates: Open source GPL is 'Pac-Man-like' Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates plunges into the ongoing open-source tussle, saying "there are problems for commercial users" with the General Public License http://www.zdnet.com/enterprise/stories/linux/0,12249,5092935,00.html "Peer-to-peer is a side effect of the increased availability of ubiquitous networking," says Tim O'Reilly--in this zdnet.com article on P2P at: http://www.zdnet.com/intweek/stories/news/0,4164,2773793,00.html P2P Mind Share-The new peer-to-peer architectures may not be pure P2P, but they will offer a return on investment: http://www.internetworld.com/061501/06.15.01ebusiness1.jsp Come to the O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer conference and hear more from Tim and industry leaders shaping the future of P2P: http://conferences.oreilly.com/p2p/ Information wants to be valuable... Tim O'Reilly joins the debate at Nature on the impact the Web has had on publishing original scientific research. Tim sees many parallels between the work of free software authors and the work of scientists, pointing out that both are more interested in making sure their work is disseminated than in maximizing their return. http://www.nature.com/nature/debates/e-access/Articles/oreilly.html ...and Tim explains to the New York Times why he thinks software programs should be like water: Free and Transparent. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/13/technology/13HAFN.html Wall Street Journal columnist Lee Gomes writes that Microsoft has continued to use open source software in several majorproducts, despite denying the practice and mounting an anti-open-source campaign. http://public.wsj.com/news/hmc/sb992819157437237260.htm Come hear Microsoft senior vice president Craig Mundie debate open source leaders July 26 at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention: http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ Also...What would you ask him? Mundie recently raised the ire of the open source community. Here's your chance to put your questions to him: http://oreilly.com/news/mundie_0601.html Linux Device Drivers--In this interview on O'Reilly's Linux DevCenter, Jonathan Corbet talks about the current state of Linux device drivers, where he thinks they're going in the future, and the open source development process. Jonathan is coauthor of O'Reilly's upcoming Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition. http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2001/06/08/drivers_update.html Jonathan Corbet also responds to the five best reader questions about developing device drivers for Linux at: http://linux.oreilly.com/news/lddans_0601.html "O'Reilly and .NET?" With all of our upcoming books and article coverage on .NET, you might ask yourself why O'Reilly, as a known supporter of open source, is spending resources explaining Microsoft technology. Dale Dougherty has the answer: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/05/31/netdevletter.html It's undeniable: XML-RPC is hot. And the authors of the highly anticipated "Programming Web Services with XML-RPC" tell you why. http://web.oreilly.com/news/xmlrpc_0601.html ************************ BOOKS hot off the press ************************ Here's a list of O'Reilly's latest titles. Review copies are available upon request. Click on either link for book details--the press release is the top link, for those who make use of the it. Com+ Programming with Visual Basic http://press.oreilly.com/compluspvb.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/compluspvb/ Subclassing & Hooking with Visual Basic http://press.oreilly.com/subhook.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/subhookvb/ .Net Framework Essentials http://press.oreilly.com/dotnetfrmess.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/dotnetfrmess/ Oracle Essentials: Oracle9i, Oracle8i & Oracle8 http://press.oreilly.com/oressentials2.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/oressentials2/ Cisco IOS Access Lists http://press.oreilly.com/cisrtlist.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/cisrtlist/ Effective Awk Programming, 3rd Edition http://press.oreilly.com/awkprog3.html http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/awkprog3/ For UPCOMING titles, go to: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/new.html Reminder: Your members receive 20% discount on all books purchased direct from O'Reilly using the DSUG discount code. ********************************* UPCOMING O'Reilly Events ********************************* First off, I would like to thank all 39 user groups that posted our conference banners. I forward your postings to Tim and other O'Reilly staff, who share my appreciation of your efforts. I thought of listing all your group names, however because there were so many of you, I wasn't able. If you would like to see a listing of the groups who have spread the word, let me know. O'Reilly Open Source Convention July 23-27, 2001 Sheraton San Diego Hotel SSan Diego, CA Early Bird Registration ends July 2nd http://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon/ O'Reilly Peer-to-Peer and Web Services Conference September 18-21, 2001 Omni Shoreham Hotel Washington, D.C. Early Bird Registration ends August 17th http://conferences.oreilly.com/p2p/ UG Discount for conferences: O'Reilly offers 20% discount to UG members on all conference and tutorial fees. Use the DSUG discount code. If registering online, enter the code where it says "If you received a discount code, enter it here." If you register before the "Early Bird" discounts end, you'll save the 20% on already discounted "Early Bird" prices. ******************* QUESTIONS for you ******************* Please take the time to answer the following questions. The answers will help me to produce the type of newsletter you'd like to see from O'Reilly: Would you prefer the news be broken down by interest or does this all-in-one format work for you? Is there anything you'd like to hear about from O'Reilly, that we aren't currently sending? Review copies are available of all our titles. Does your group review books? If yes, do you find the "New Titles" information helpful? If you have any helpful suggestions, feel free to pass them along. If your UG has an announcement that you'd like my help communicating to other groups, let me know. I'm happy to include the info in an upcoming newsletter. Many groups have already helped out the O'Reilly UG Program by posting our sponsorship banner on group web sites or newsletters. If your group hasn't done so, please remember to add O'Reilly to your list of sponsors, or add one of the following graphics: http://ug.oreilly.com/banners/ If on a web site, please have it link to: http://www.oreilly.com/ Until next week, Denise P.S. Sorry this was so long, because it was the first, I was holding lots of news to send you. The future newsletters won't be as verbose. ;) -------------------------------------------------------