Hello everyone: Forgive me if I'm recovering old ground-- I seem to recall a post about this a while back-- but things change so rapidly in this business. I'm in the market for a new notebook, which I would like to be Linux, but I'm not sure I have the time and the inclination to do all the installation and configuration stuff myself. After all, I'm a developer, not an admin (no jab ad admin's intended-- you guys are essential!) Anyway, I remembered Tuxtops and discovered to my dismay that they'd sold their laptop business! Were they doing badly? Were their machines any good? I also saw the site for Emporer Linux and wondered if their stuff was any good. Second question: I'm still somewhat tethered to Windoze, in a business sense, so I was wondering if Vmware provided a good enough platform of the MS environment to be used for development, especially Visual C++. I haven't used it at all but I plan to try it out soon. I know Vmware is not free, etc., what I'm interested in is reliability and openness, not saving money. (For me it's a business expense.) I not against Windows if it "knows its place", that is, if Linux is calling the shots and Bill's stuff is not allowed to crash my computer! Thanks in advance for any input, Vaughn Treude Nakota Software, Inc. Industrial Software Desgin and Development