\_ SMTP quoth Trent Shipley on 6/12/2001 12:51 as having spake thusly: \_ \_ We are an all MS shop so this is extra cool. \_ \_ ----------------- \_ \_ M-x shell \_ C:\windoze> sqlplus username/password@connection_alias \_ SQL> select * from cool; \_ \_ ------------------ \_ \_ And emacs is much nicer than Oracle's built in sqlplus text tool! DBI::Shell rocks too. I created a few different formats and put a general engine in front of it and now I can do things like: | owmyeye /:0:35} ls | bin/ dev/ home/ lost+found/ mnt/ proc/ sbin/ usr/ | boot/ etc/ lib/ misc/ opt/ root/ tmp/ var/ | owmyeye /:0:36} select count(*) from item | +--------+ | |count(*)| | +--------+ | | 10034| | +--------+ | [1 rows of 1 fields returned] | owmyeye /:0:37} /s format vertical | ok | owmyeye /:0:38} select count ( * ) from item | +--------+--------+ | |count(*)| 10034| | +--------+--------+ | [1 rows of 1 fields returned] | owmyeye /:0:39} Beat *that* with a stick. David