Cool. (Now those of us who did not buy a Playstation will rue the day we figured we didn't need one of them ;-) >>>>> Thus spake "Cheryl Brannan"> From the "This looks fun" department. Wonder if that will lead to being able to play PS2 games on the PC without shelling out $300 for a game console?,4586,2767608,00.html Following high demand for Sony's Japanese release of Linux for the PlayStation2 game console, another company has leapt into the fray: the Czech firm Blokman Trading, which has released an alpha version of the Linux 2.4 kernel for the original PlayStation console. Sony has strictly controlled its release of PlayStation2 Linux, building only 1,000 of the kits, which are to go on sale next month and will only work on the Japanese version of the console. The PlayStation2 LinuxKit includes a DVD with software, 40GB hard drive, keyboard and mouse. In response, Blokman says it will make its Linux port, called Runix, available for free and open it up on the GNU Public Licence. The aim, according to Blokman co-founder and chief executive Vadim V Veshchezerov, is to "transform [the] Sony PlayStation and Sony PlayStation2 into a low-priced desktop computer". Blokman says it will provide a beta version of Runix in July and a stable distribution in October. By the end of the year it plans to release a software development kit and office software for Linux on PlayStation. A port for PlayStation2 is also planned, though Blokman announced no dates. Sony released its PlayStation2 Linux following high consumer demand, including a petition with thousands of names. << End forwarded message Rusty Carruth Email: or Voice: (480) 345-3621 SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE FAX: (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116 Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825 ICBM: 33 20' 44"N 111 53' 47"W