I thought I'd seen this kinda annoying goofyness before. Looky: [steve@zippy steve]$ ssh -X -C an.irrelevent.host steve@an.irrelevent.host's password: Last login: Thu May 24 15:36:13 2001 from some.other.place bash$ xcalc bash$ su Password: [root@asdf steve]# xcalc [root@asdf steve]# exit bash$ su - Password: [root@asdf /root]# xcalc X connection to an.irrelevent.host:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). [root@mail /root]# Summarizing: as a normal user X is AOK. If I become root with 'su' it also works. If, however, I use 'su -' it doesn't. -- On the phone with Kevin and he seems to have the answer: you have to be the same user on both ends of the connection for it to work. Give that a try. Steve proudhawk@uswestmail.net wrote: > > well, I added accoring to directions. the probem still persists.. > > I still get Gdk-ERROR***: X connection to :10.0 broken > (explicit kill or server shutdown). > > this is starting to get frustrating. how the hell am I supposed to > remotely administer systems using X apps when I can't even get X > to access the connections? > > q: could a firewall script be responsible for the problem here as well? > > I do appreciate the help. sometimes X just isn't worth working in. > > Technomage Hawke > > On Sat, 26 May 2001, "foodog" wrote: > > > > > Did you give the remote host permission with xhost? As in: > > > > xhost +the.host.name > > > > You want to be sure not to leave a space between the '+' and host name; > > just "xhost +" means everyone's welcome, probably not a good idea. > > > > Steve > > proudhawk@uswestmail.net wrote: > > > > > > ok, > > > I've run into this enough and found virtually nothing in either the howto's or online documentation. > > > > > > it appears to be a permissions problem with teh X server. > > > > > > even though I have X forwarding through ssh tunnle turned on, the X server locally will not accept remote connections from anywhere through ssh (unless they originate from a "root" account). > > > > > > This problem did not exist with the version of X under 3.3.5 but cropped up with version 4.x. > > > > > > any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. > > > > > > one of the errors I get is: > > > GTK Error: Connection to :10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). > > > > > > I would like to be able to use X apps without having to resort to Xvnc on the remote system > > > (why tie up more cpu cycles and bandwidth?). > > > > > > HEEEEELP! > > > > > > Techomage Hawke