Oops, I forgot to mention that there is a map and other information available on the AZtechBiz.com calendar and on the AzPHP.org websites. Eric On Mon, 21 May 2001, Eric Thelin wrote: > We have everything confirmed now. Rasmus is already here and is > planning on being at the meeting. One of MCC's nicest confrence rooms > is reserved (see info below). And NuSphere is indeed providing pizza > for the large group and is even flying someone out. Now all we have to > do is make sure we get people there TOMORROW night at 7:00. So make > sure you tell everyone you know. > > Who is Rasmus? > Rasmus is the original author of PHP. He is now one of 9 core php > developers and member of the apache httpd core team. > > > Where is the meeting? > This meeting will be in the Mesa Community College (MCC) High Tech > Center / Library in the Community Room which is number 145. It is the > glass building nearest the northwest corner. Parking should be available > in the northwest parking lot next to the Library. Go in the front doors, > up the stairs, down the hallway to the left and the room will be on the > right. There will be signs posted. > > When is the meeting? > Tomorrow May 22nd at 7:00 > > Any other questions let me know. > > > Eric > > -- Eric Thelin erict@aztechbiz.com AZtechBiz.com: Where Arizona Does Tech Business