On Monday 07 May 2001 07:45 pm, you wrote: > * Craig White (craigwhite@azapple.com) wrote: > > [ snip: KDE HTML/txt views, XFree Virtual resolutions ] > > > > Now if only I could get that USB CD-ROM working... > > Craig, > > They say it isn't supported: > http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO-1.html#ss1.5 > > But don't be discouraged since there are some possibilities: > http://linux-usb.org > > And more specifically for mass storage: > http://www2.one-eyed-alien.net/~mdharm/linux-usb/ > > Here's a thread from Philly (also PLUG:) that flushes some out some of > the issues: > http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/pubarchive/plug/2000-December/006790.h >tml > > That underlines the possibility of using USB mass storage support to > masquerade the USB CDR as a SCSI device. From a quick look at the > one-eyed-alien site, it doesn't look like there's been success with cd > recorders yet. Looks like if there's SCSI presentation of the device, then > there is a chance in hell for cdrecord to work. > ------- I think that I already covered that in a previous post. I actually exhausted my energies at linux-usb.org and the last link provided nothing but a particular lucky stab I think. Anyway, using my Adaptec APA-1450A and my Sony SCSI CD-R it located and installed automatically - probably because I had previously aliased block-major-8 sd_mod in modules.conf X-CD-Roast seemed to like it and I had no problem mounting a CD disk in RO mode. Using the SCSI drive is a bit of a pain but at least I know it can be done. Would definitely prefer using the USB Drive but... Thanks, Craig