Not to sound snarky here, but you mean it's dead horse time? ;-) "J.Francois" wrote: > > Why aren't SysAdmin, NetAdmins, Companies, Govts, etc. doing > something to make this stop? They are. It's called genetic engineering. Rewiring the human psyche is the only way you're going to get *everyone* in the world to stop jiggling door handles or listen to their neighbors conversations. > Is there really that much incompetance/apathy/naievete out there > about whats happening? And how many times have you had to explain to the boss or anyone else that the action of "right-click" does not involve a writing utensil? Morons abound. Everybody else will get to it next week when they have time. And susie clickhappy will doubleclick on anything that claims to have pictures of bunnies, babies in flower costumes, and/or puppies. So the answer to your question is yes, and about the only thing I can think of - short of the above mentioned rewiring - is for everyone to actually do something foreign to themselves and accept responsibility for what they can and should do. This means: companies quit figuring out the latest eye candy to sucker people into buying their products and actually lock down their installs, i.e. don't have anything running by default that can be hacked; this forces users to purposely turn on any service they think they need, and should force them to be responsible for those holes they potentially open. The motto that I live by is protect my own as much as I can, and prepare to suffer the wrath of morons, apathetic losers, and golly-gees. And that motto applies to every aspect of my or anyone elses life. At least that's what I live by until the majority of human consciences figures out the war between compassion and evolution, and the population starts again being thinned of it's morons, apathetic losers, and golly-gees instead of coddling them. And since I don't see that happening ....