moin, moin, most of you probably saw this on /.. I want to point out "Conflict with GPL" and "Structured Design". For the most part I side with GPL in the Free Software vs. Open Source debate. Guido, however, points out one of the problems that's often attributed to rms. Apparently the rest of the FSF suffers from this problem as well :(. Now as to the legibility response. Yeah, I still see it as a cop out. If that's the only reason for being white space dependent, then drop that. It already gets blown when somone's emacs setup rips out perfectly good spaces and incorrectly autoreplaces them with tabs. Oh well, at least it doesn't require I replace my ) and ( keys every 3 weeks :). Anybody know of a Free Software code beautifier? Something that lets me see code how I like it however it looks on disk and lets others bring it up in whatever heathen format they like? Maybe we could use this to add braces to Python during the coding :). I didn't realize there's a java implementation of Python. Now I know why Jiva love's Python so much ;-). ciao, der.hans -- # # If you're not learning, you're not living. - der.hans