Am 19. Apr, 2001 schwäzte foodog so: > Just a thought (yeah, it's a lonely one :) > > Does a NPO have to be organized at a local level? What I'm wondering is Doesn't have to be. > if there could be (or is) a nationwide "Linux Evangelical NPO" (or > somesuch) that local LUGs could join? It'd be nice if the NPO > certification dance didn't have to be repeated for every LUG in > existance. We kind of already have that with LI, e.g. Linux International. I'd like to have something that's local to or even to the Valley of the Sun specifically. The local NPO could be a focal point for interacting with national and international orgs like LI. I think we're better off having an org that's responsible at the local level. ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # C'est la Net - der.hans