This is a worthless rant but it was therapeutic :-) Craig White wrote: > > 4. While it's nice that raging against Microsoft sends people to linux - > it's the opensource community that keeps you or loses you. Best to > participate, share some efforts to help push the thing along. Linux isn't > the anti-Microsoft - it's a spirit. I've realized the real reason I despise Microsoft so: those non-documenting, bug infested hosers killed my will to code. My final "DOS" project was going to get in the middle of disk I/O under Win95 for it's own good. It was such a cool idea. My driver should have been a VSD and used the undocumented* ILB_InternalRequest interface - just above the calls that talk to the disk controller. Clean, simple, fast. Due to the undocumented or misdocumented APIs and mystery data structures, my project was forced to mutate insanely. Study new stuff, redesign, code for a month or two, hit a blackhole, repeat. It floated higher and higher up in the system until it became a filesystem hook, mostly ring3, almost usercode - a twisted, pathetic shadow of the original concept; roller-skates versus teleportation. I also learned about MSVC. Mysteriously crashing the linker by declaring static data, one version that *couldn't* create a VxD but MS didn't document it anywhere (I finally learned about it in newsgroups). Tease, tease, tease, *gotcha*! Many months into that fiasco Costco started selling Caldera, then Redhat. Operating systems with source code, but it was already too late. My spirit broken, I surrendered to full-time sysadmin. SoftICE and VToolsD gather dust on the shelf. The servers are generally happy, VMS, Netware, Linux. The users continue to crash and burn on the periphery, Windows and the occasional Mac. Someone else nurses the NT servers so they kinda run; they make me queasy if I get too close. Keep the children away from Windows. It might look pretty, but it destroys brain cells at an alarming rate. * ILB_InternalRequest is "documented" in that they tell you it's name and hint about some of the data structures. Docs written for someone familiar with the source code. Walter Oney (Systems Programming for Windows 95) is Microsoft's crackwhore. Geoff Chappel is an advance scout for superintelligent aliens who apparently plan to settle in Australia.