I've been trying to figure out my way around modprobe, /etc/modules.conf, insmod, etc. I'm running SuSE 6.4 on a system right now, with very little added that wasn't on the CD's. The way I set it up initially was without PPP but now I'm trying to get it up and running. YaST won't give me access to the PPP menu in the SysAdmin/Network conf menus. I'm trying to get PPP to load up as an LKM but it won't start. The closest line in modules.conf is loading the character device as ppp_async, but an lsmod shows it's not even there. How would I configure modules.conf to load ppp and slhc at bootup? How can I tell modprobe to show me what it loads at bootup? I tried pretty much all the flags and it either shows me everything, most of which isn't loaded, or it shows me nothing, or even a few things that aren't loaded. Just trying to make heads and tails of LKM's :) Thanks! Emmanuel __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/