On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 10:17:35PM -0700, Rick Rosinski wrote: > I have been looking everywere for Glide, but I can't find it. Not in > www.3dfx.com nor in ftp.3dfx.com. Nowhere on the Linux software search > engines (and any related link would report - "file not found"). I am having > lots of frustration with getting my XFree86 4.0.3 to work with Virtual > resolutions on my Voodoo3 2000 card, and I have been posting frequently > everywhere I can, and *only one* person responded. Thanks to Mark Vojkovich > on the XPert mailing list. If ANYBODY has ANY idea as to how to help me out > here, please respond! Source is at http://glide.sourceforge.net. Red Hat and SUSE have packages in their distributions. LinuxGames has an ftp area with sources and binaries. - |Daryll