Am 01. Apr, 2001 schwäzte Sundar Narayanasamy so: > Do you know of any SDSL provider for Dobson Ranch, Mesa area? I had SDSL > from Telocity through NorthPoint. But, since NorthPoint went bankrupt, > Telocity is moving to ADSL and other providers --I spoke to like EarthLink > -- provide only ADSL for residential customers. A friend is certainly going through the same schtick. Let us know if you find a solution. One thing to try is They're wireless and seem to actually be making money, thus are not as likely to go poof and disappear. They aren't certain they can hit my place, but you might get luckier :). > For strange reasons QWEST says that they cannot provide any DSL, as we are > too far away from their DSL routers. Qwest and US Pest before them (as I understand it ) have tighter requirements on DSL. Plenty of people have reported getting functioning DSL in areas Qwest claimed it couldn't work, so I tend to believe the other companies :). ciao, der.hans -- # ;-) # C'est la Net - der.hans