I am trying to install a free *Nix OS on an ancient box that has a Pentium-I @ 125MHz, 32 Mbytes Ram and 10 GB IDE 33. All goes well until the reboot when I get the all-to-common little flashing cursor in the upper right hand corner of the screen. I know this is a V-E-R-Y common install problem, but this is the first time I have had to cope with it. In the past the little box has successfully run Slackware 3.x, Debian Potato, and (briefly) Red Hat 6.2, even running X. However attempts this week with: Walnut Creek FreeBSD 4.2, Slackware 7.1, and Redhat 6.2 Just return the little un-responsive cursor. (As this will be used at work, I have a license preference for FreeBSD.) Trent Shipley Work: (602) 522-7502 mailto:tshipley@symbio-tech.com http://www.symbio-tech.com