Hi all, Much of my frustration has been relieved. My new scanner/Adaptec-card/SANE/X Scanimage work beautifully. In root. Which files do I chmod or chown to permit myself as user to access my scanner? This is just the sort of problem that bites a Win95 refugee in the ass. All my other graphics applications work as advertised. That is to say if I point and click K-> Graphics-> Cameleo, DVI Viewer, Fax Viewer, Fractals Generator, Gimp, Icon Editor, Image Viewer, KIllustrator, Paint, PS Viewer, SnapShot, TGif, Xfig, or xv, these applications boot up and I can use them. Not X Scanimage. It works only if I log in as root and pointy/clicky. It does not work if I su to root and use the command xscanimage in a terminal. I think I am close to an answer, but like Tantalus, the grapes are always just out of reach, and the water just below my lips. Unsatisfying. Bob Eaton