> -----Original Message-----
> From: plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> [mailto:plug-discuss-admin@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us]On Behalf Of David
> A. Sinck
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:37 PM
> To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: Re: Need ISP!!!
> \_ SMTP quoth plug@arcticmail.com on 3/13/2001 13:36 as having
> spake thusly:
> \_
> \_
> \_ The 10/8, 172.16/12 and 192.168/16 are RFC1918
> \_ "private" (non-routeable) IP addresses.  This
> Well, see, thereby hangs a tail....providers *should* squash the non
> routeable addresses before sending them on.  If you get this traffic
> on your inbound ethX card, you know someone is up to no good and your
> ISP is likely to suffer evil RSN.  It's been a bit since I've seen a
> report of this, but they are there.
> David
Y'all are talking 'bout providers with IP addresses go like 24.x.x.x and
when you put create firewall scripts for linux, you have to be judicious
about the type of activity you log because there is so dang much of it. I
remember when I first put an slightly altered firewall/masq script of
TrinityOS on an @home link...the lan internet access slowed to a crawl by
Thursay and by Friday was virtually unusuable - /var/log/messages grew to
over 600 megabytes. Sprint Broadband seems to squash most of the
non-routables but they aren't perfect either.
